Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Life: Better Living Made Simple: Tips to Eat Better, Rest Well and Increase Physical Activity

Date: 2022-06-21

Time: 20:00

Better living is closely tied to healthy living. We don’t need to exercise 24/7, eat salad everyday, and lose our minds trying to achieve what might work for others but not for ourselves. It’s about creating small habits through our routine that can help build that sustainability for the long run. Life is a marathon, and not a short sprint. If you are searching for some strategies to better living, come join us to learn how simple steps can be the start to something wonderfully sustainable.


Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Life: Better Living Made Simple:  Tips to Eat Better, Rest Well and Increase Physical Activity
Alex Loh
Co-founder & CEO, Actxa Wellness Pte Ltd
Alex Loh is the CEO and Co-founder of Actxa Wellness, a company focused on delivering employee wellness solutions to team build and create culture; elevate engagement and happiness; and improve overall mental wellbeing. He talks to The Industry Leaders about his journey from Athlete to Founder and how he recovered from his life’s most challenging period after one disastrous event. Alex has more than 20 years of experience working in different industries and helming leadership roles. Previously a professional athlete, Alex is a strong advocate for healthy living, taking on the role of a consultant and trainer in the wellness and coaching spaces over the years.